10 Ways to Strengthen Your Recovery During Lockdown

10 Ways to Strengthen Your Recovery During Lockdown

Lockdown, although challenging for many, is an ideal time to focus on yourself and really work on developing and strengthening your recovery. It’s easier said than done though, what can you do when so much seems off limits? Here are 10 ways you can make the most of this time and emerge from lockdown even more solid than ever in your sobriety….

  1. Online Meetings: The chances are that if you are feeling okay, you’ve been signing up for online recovery meetings already. Why not step it up though? Work, social and family commitments often curtail the number of meetings people attend but it’s now possible to join a meeting almost anywhere in the world, at any time. Try branching out and joining meetings from other areas – even other countries. Today’s number of online meetings is unprecedented – so make the most of it!!
  1. Sponsoring Others: How many people do you sponsor and how much time are you putting into them right now? Review your schedule and talk with your sponsees about what more you can do to help them at this time.
  1. Meet Newcomers: Lockdown has seen a steep increase around the world in the number of alcoholics and addicts reaching out for help through online meetings. Depending on the format of the meetings you join, it’s often possible to send direct messages to other people in the meeting through the chat facility. Some groups also keep their chat room open at the end of the meetings. Reach out to newcomers and share your experience, strength and hope. There are also many recovery Facebook groups available for you to join – newcomers often post in these groups asking for support.
  1. Service: Recovery programs still have service positions available during this period. Check with your home meeting group to see what’s available and let them know that you would like to help out. From hosting meetings on Zoom to helping out with admin, there’s a lot that can be done from home to help!
  1. Step Up: If you are working a 12 step program, take time to review your own step work. The 12 steps are an ongoing process designed to be reviewed and re-applied.
  1. Knowledge is Power: Do you remember how much you learnt about alcoholism and addiction when you first got sober? How much have you learned since? Have a look online for new recovery or lifestyle books that will enable you to keep developing your knowledge base.
  1. Breathe and Relax: Meditation is a skill which can always be improved. Challenge yourself to longer sessions or experiment with different types of guided meditation. There are a wealth of free guided meditations available on YouTube and other online platforms.
  1. A Design For Life: Online forums are bursting with comments about making a daily schedule for lockdown. How about making a schedule which includes components that you can maintain beyond lockdown? If you think about your schedule carefully you can start using this time to create a healthy blue print for the future.
  1. Dig a Little Deeper: The recovery process involves peeling away layers and taking a deeper look inside ourselves. Is there something that you have been avoiding addressing? Online counselling allows you to examine difficult issues in a healthy way, with the guidance of a professional.
  1. Sign Up for an Online Recovery Program: Our online programs are designed to bring you all of the benefits of a residential program, in your own home. If you are looking for a more structured approach to your recovery, our programs include many of the elements listed above, including education, counseling, weekly scheduling, meditation and a number of flex options for you to choose from.

If you’d like more information or advice regarding any aspect of recovery or addiction, or to find out more about our online counseling and online recovery programs, contact us through our online contact form or send us an email at: info@thelighthousebali.org

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