Bob N | USA
To Whom It May Concern
“Please regard this note as a strong endorsement of the Lighthouse Bali, their staff and their methods. As a chronic relapser for 12 years, I felt hopeless with regards to my using and drinking, and with almost no hope, I entered the Lighthouse not long ago, needing to detox and get clean and sober.
I am now sober and clean, feel confident in the skills I’ve learned there, and have a new-found hope that I can maintain my sobriety. The level of 1 on 1 attention and the quality of this individualized treatment seems to have been just what I needed to get back on track with living a happy and productive life. If I find myself in situations that would normally trigger using and drinking, I now am pleased to find that I can withstand the urges using the tools the staff of the Lighthouse taught me, tailored to my individual needs and personality.
I am sure you will find them friendly, caring and able to help you if you are a person with a drug or alcohol problem, even if it seems hopeless now. Having been to other, much more expensive rehabs, I can say without doubt that you will receive the best possible treatment and highest quality of personal care for your dollar at the Lighthouse in Bali.
I wish you wellness.”
More Testimonials
Rebecca L. | Melbourne, Australia
“I am writing to wholeheartedly endorse The Lighthouse Bali. I have found The Lighthouse to be different from what I have experienced before in a rehab. I have been treated as an individual with my treatment plan tailored personally to me. My primary addiction is alcohol and prior to my arrival in Bali my life in Australia was a mess. Through gentle, respectful and caring support, The Lighthouse counselling staff has helped me to not only take responsibility for my addiction but also my life and for this I am forever grateful.
Their approach has been to develop a plan that treated all of me. From the physical (yoga three times a week, healthy nutritious meals cooked by our chef Harrison), to the mental, emotional and spiritual. The use and combination of several treatment therapies has meant that there was never something they couldn’t handle or assist me with – allowing me the opportunity to take responsibility for my own life and my own recovery.
I have discovered that I have my own journey and whilst my life story may vary from yours, I have witnessed the love, individual attention, measurable results and personal transformations that were common for all the clients that I shared my time with in rehab.”
What A Beautiful Thing It Is, To Be Able To Stand Tall And Say,
“I Fell Apart, And I Survived”
Elizabeth | South Australia
My husband and I are here in the same hotel in Bali almost three years to the day where we left our our chronically sick son in the capable hands of Alice and Danu from the Lighthouse Bali . Our son suffers from the disease of addiction and for those who have read my previous testimonial will know the journey of his addiction and consequently the trauma our son has suffered and we as his parents and family have also suffered as a result.
In a few days time through the grace of God and with my son’s strength and commitment to his recovery and the support he has received through the Lighthouse he will celebrate three years of sobriety. A day three years ago we thought probably was never going to happen following over 20 years of on and off active addiction and 7 rehabs.
Three years ago my prayers for my son as expressed to Alice from the Lighthouse at the time …were for his sobriety, a new beginning in Bali with a purpose to his life and to find love. Well my prayers have been truly answered in every way and we are so happy and grateful.
During these last three years we have seen a total transformation of our son. His spiritual journey and awakening through the 12 step program is an inspiration to us all. He has become wise. He’s also grateful for his life and each day he strives to be a better person so that he can be a service to others. This has become his new purpose in his life supporting others through their sobriety. Finally
and to our utter delight he has found his soul mate so unexpectedly really, in land so far away from his own, but it’s been a happy wonderful relationship with a beautiful Indonesian women whom he will marry at the end of this year.
For anyone who happens to be reading this account of my son’s journey because you have concerns of a loved one in the throes of active addiction, I can not express enough the positive impact the Lighthouse Bali has made on my son’s recovery. We didn’t believe it three years ago but now we know recovery is possible.
Elizabeth, mother from South Australia
Tamara | Connecticut, USA
“Simply stated, Alice and Danu saved my brother’s life. I could leave it there, but as we know nothing about alcoholism is simple, and there is far too much I want to say about the care Alice and Danu provided to my brother in his hours of greatest need.
Watching a close family member suffer and not being able to help is excruciatingly painful. Being that powerless thousands of miles away (on the other side of the world), and knowing that without some intervening force that person you love could quite literally drown in his own alcohol addiction is the worst feeling I’ve ever experienced.
When we were losing hope, we found Alice. Alice and Danu removed my brother from his life-threatening situation and brought him to safety. They cared for him 24×7 while he detoxed and until he was safely in treatment. The level of care they provided was both kind and respectful, not only to my brother but to his family as well, as we were also in a dark and desperate place. They supported and guided us during the entire process, like family, and I truly felt like we were a team working together to get my brother well. They were sympathetic to what we were going through, and were a constant comfort during a very scary time. It certainly was not an easy journey, but it was successful – my brother remains in treatment for his addictions (something I thought would never happen). For that, I will be eternally grateful.
A month ago, Alice & Danu were strangers. Now they feel like family, and I would trust them with my life. I am delighted to be able to add to their testimonials.”
J.P. | Melbourne
To those looking for help.
I came to The Lighthouse Bali in a lot of pain and beaten down by addition. I had a period of abstinence in my life from using drugs, but I couldn’t stop the inevitable relapses. The period I spent at The Lighthouse was honestly nothing short of life changing. I had completed several other rehabs in Australia and Asia, but the love, compassion and understanding that I received from The Lighthouse staff and counsellors was something I’ve never experienced from any other treatment facility.
I cannot express enough how important this was for me, coming from a place where I could not give myself any love at all, it helped breathe life into my spirit.
I had experienced the 12 step process before in recovery but this was certainly not pushed on me by Alice and Danu and in no way were they advocating any means of their own recovery formula onto me. They listened to me and talked to me and helped breathe life back into me. The treatment plan was very individual and personal and was tailored specifically for me, which helped with nutrition, having healthy cooked meals, yoga in the mornings and daily meetings, as well as counselling 3 times a week and also having great weekend trips and adventures.
I am forever grateful to Alice, Danu, the staff and counsellors for how they helped me not only get clean but also for their love and compassion.”