Trauma Causes and Care

There are many causes of trauma and in this Blog we will look at some of the most common, as well how utilizing an intensive Schema and EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) approach can bring about incredible results.
CREA 2023 Awards

The esteemed CREA Award is proudly presented to Dr. Julia A. Andre by the Brainz Magazine Selection Committee, acknowledging her remarkable contributions to the field of trauma therapy and mental health…
Women and the Stigma of Addiction

Why is the stigma of addiction so much stronger against women than men? Read more here…
Effects of Alcohol on the Female Body

Drinking alcohol is common in men and women but did you know that the effects of alcohol differ between genders?
How Alcohol and Alcoholism Affect Sleep

Alcohol makes us sleepy but it can destroy sleeping patterns. During withdrawal & recovery you may also suffer insomnia. Learn more here…
Disclosing You Are In Recovery: Part I

Being in recovery is something to be proud of, but also something we handle carefully with those around us. Learn more about disclosing you are in recovery here…
The Connection Between Alcohol and Anger

When some people consume alcohol, anger can become a very real and unwanted issue. Find out more about alcohol and anger here….
What are the 12 steps?

Find out what the 12 Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous are and how they work, here….
Substituting Addictions

What is substituting addictions, what are the challenges and how can it be avoided? Find out more here…
Rehab – Do I need it?

Most addicts / alcoholics are also dealing with an element of denial so if you are questioning if you need to go to rehab, it’s most likely that you do. Take an objective look at yourself and read more here…