What is Dry Drunk Syndrome

Dry drunk syndrome is commonly occurring in individuals who have stopped addictively using drugs or drinking alcohol but have not been able to identify and effectively deal with the root causes of their issues. Dry drunk syndrome can be combat with professional care.
Alcoholism and Depression

For those struggling with depression, alcohol is sometimes used to suppress symptoms related to their condition, such as irritability, loss of interest, anxiety, restlessness and insomnia. Unfortunately, using alcohol as a way to self-medicate depression can significantly impact physical and emotional well-being.
Personal Retreats in Bali for Managing Stress, Depression, Mental Health and Increased Wellness

Personal retreats are a great way to deal with stress, burnout and anxiety. They are also a way to handle depression, mental health and trauma when combined with therapeutic modalities too.
The Effects of Alcoholism on Fertility & Pregnancy

Alcohol can effect fertility and your unborn baby. Male fertility also decreases with alcohol use. Read more here…
The Effects of Alcoholism on Brain Function

Both long and short term periods of alcoholism or alcohol abuse can cause serious side effects to your brain. Find out more here…