Indri Hapsari Bharata
Indri Hapsari Bharata is originally from Jakarta, Indonesia and has been established in Bali since 2011. She practices Reiki, prenatal yoga, breathwork and works closely with people recovering from substance abuse and those seeking relief from anxiety and stress.
Indri has worked with people in recovery for many years, guiding them on their journey of self-discovery and helping them build confidence and self-esteem in their new, sober, way of life. Indri was introduced to the holistic world when she was traveling, in New Zealand and Australia, and she attended her first Vippassana meditation retreat in 2011. In 2013, Indri worked at a raw food and detox retreat in Bali where she also encountered the power of breathwork.
Having discovered a passion for breathwork, Indri became a certified breathwork facilitator following a 10 month training from 2017 to 2018. Also feeling a calling towards the holistic practice of Reiki, she graduated from the Asian Healing Arts Center in 2018 as a Level 1 and 2 Reiki practitioner.
By combining her Reiki, breathwork and techniques gained as a certified prenatal yoga trainer (since 2018), Indri specializes in conscious connected breathing, energy work and body movement and how these affect all facets of daily living. Indri brings a wide range of tools and techniques to The Lighthouse Bali where she is able to focus on clearing emotional, physical and energetic blockages as well as creating safe spaces in which our clients can explore, expand, release and transform.